Wednesday, August 3, 2022

PTSD is not a problem for Psychopaths

Chris Williamson on Why There Are Psychopaths

hy countries empty the jails in times of war.

This also explains why aggressive communists are developing robot armies.

The four horsemen slaughtering humanity could be named:

sin, corruption, psychopaths and robots 


godlessness, evil, psychopaths and AI.

Additional links to Chris Williamson:

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Trying to Survive "Education" in USA

 Trying to Survive "Education" in USA

Any video about education or teachers brings out the hate in the USA.

Everyone has an opinion with almost no real unbiased factual data.

Everyone quotes stats - becomes comical when opposing groups try to use the same numbers to prove they are "right".


As a retired ( not just tired) teacher I have kept current with "My Video Education" 

In the USA they have a "Reality TV Star" in charge.  As a spectator it is interesting to see the difference between qualified, experienced professionals and a "Reality Star".  

Just to give perspective lets look at USA reality TV Star performance vs Taiwan professionals.

As at October 13 the USA is at - 220,027 or 664 deaths per million population.

As at October 13 Taiwan is at .7 or less than 1 death per million population.

The six month lockdown has created opportunity and time to watch Youtube channels.

I try to look at all sides of the USA situation as a spectator.

Beau of the Fifth Column a southern journalist who is tired of a lack of common sense.

The Joe Rogan Experience podcast

Valuetainment, Patrick Bet-David for entrepreneurs

Graham Stephan  My Millionaire Real Estate Investing Strategy

Glenn Kirschner 30 years as a federal prosecutor, homicide prosecutor, Army JAG now teaches.

Robert Reich former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich

The Lincoln Project

Life has taught me that you can never know too much.

For additional video education stories, sources resources go to: