Tuesday, February 22, 2022

How USA Justice has been Corrupted and Hijacked

Some comments about the Innocence project:

The Innocence Project is one of the most worthy causes I can think of. I’m driven to tears when I see innocent people who’ve had years or decades of their life stolen having been wrongly convicted.

If just one person has been wrongly convicted and put to death you cannot be ok with the death penalty unless you are morally corrupt in my opinion.

Before 2000, I was pro death penalty until I did a research paper on it. Totally changed my mind. One innocent person executed is too many and there have been way too many.

I believe the main purpose of our justice system should be to protect the innocent and protect society as a whole. We would be much better off if more judges, prosecutors and cops were more concerned about that than just their conviction rates. As you pointed out so well, incarcerating innocent people does not serve society and protects no one.

Former Innocence Project Attorney Nina Morrison Became a Judge This Week. Here’s Why It Matters to the Criminal Legal System.

WHY good, honest, qualified, experienced candidates do not get appointed as judges in the USA.

Let's talk about Cruz, Hawley, and Nina Morrison's nomination as a judge

Claiming that a legal process of freeing innocent people from illegal criminal convictions is responsible for the 2020 protests is disgustingly low for these Republican liars.  

Hawley's state voted red, they have republicans in most jobs - it has a huge increase in crime - he has to accept some responsibility as their representative - instead he blames others and worse blocks qualified nominations who can do the job. See more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tfdv7wzo_Bg

Yes the USA Justice system has been corrupted and hijacked by evil men who are not helping make the USA any safer or better or more fair for taxpayers or residents. They are manipulating the population with dog whistle accusations to distract from their crimes and incompetence to rally an angry mob.

Many USA legal and justice nominations were/are corrupted and evil humans who lied about their history, past actions and beliefs and are on an agenda that does not help the USA citizens.

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