Sunday, May 7, 2023

Former President Ronald Reagan appeared in a Drag-themed Film

As background info: "Republicans have been non-stop in their hateful rhetoric surrounding Drag Shows.

However, their conservative golden child former President Ronald Reagan once appeared in a drag-themed film". 

 Brett Erlich on Rebel HQ warns viewers that he will use "facts and history".

What I learned - the USA politics is full of hate and lies - even if you have 100% bad versus 60% bad it is still just bad.

The media is just making money by providing platforms for all the hate broadcasts and counter hate broadcasts. They have no intention of stopping.

The cuts to education and book bans will just drop the USA down from 30th in the world to below 50. Imagine over 50 countries provide a better education, better preparation for life and a safe learning envirnment than most USA students ever get.

more here:

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