Sunday, February 21, 2021

Which politicians are false gods?

Which politicians are false gods working for satan?

Most pro-human organizations say - feed the hungry, cure the sick, shelter the poor and weak.

Let's use the cure the sick criteria.

In Canada's doctor managed health care (not socialist)- 22,2265 sick and 581 covid deaths per million.

In USA with political controlled system  - 86,503 sick and 1,537 covid deaths per million.

USA politicians lie about the virus, masks, vaccines, hospital costs killing millions.

In Canada the doctors explain the risks, procedures and free hospital care saving millions.

Let's use Texas this 2021 winter for the hungry, poor, weak, and cold population.

Count how elected Texas politicians brought in food, water and generators to the dying population with no heat or electricity. Do I hear zero?

Some false gods were busy blaming windmills or running to Cancun blaming children for their betrayal.  Where was the help from the false god who self-proclaimed himself the chosen one?

The political false gods are not just stupid stupid or incompetent - they are efficient killing tools for satan. Stop wondering why politicians don't do the right action or don't do their job. The corrupt false god politician's job is to corrupt and kill humans.

Watch politicians words and actions to evaluate whether they are pro-human and feed the hungry, cure the sick, shelter the poor and weak or working for satan by denying pandemic relief or health care or even basic heat and electricity.

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