Thursday, June 6, 2024

Religious Political Ethnic Personality Cults that by Actions and Hate Kill masses of Humanity

Religious political ethnic personality cults that by actions and hate kill masses of humanity sometimes sacrificing all of their own members.

What I learned:

Cult followers have invested money, time, emotion and reputation. 

Cult followers may have sacrificed their family, friends, job, church and lifestyle to follow the manipulating devil. 

In their corrupted minds they can not give up all that they have done.

Basic appeals of logic, reason or humanity don't work with the controlled cult followers

You will need extra help to reach them and free them from their downward spiral.

On a global scale:

Competing "cult leaders" from 1930 to 1945 - Hitler, Hirohito, Stalin, Mao Zedong, Mussolini

Competing "cult leaders" from 2010 to ???? - Putin, Xi, .....

WW2 killed over 100 million

WW3 will kill over 1 billion

History shows that with 1 individual "cult leader" - the world looks and laughs

When the 1st "cult leader" builds an army the neighboring competing "cult leaders" use fear to gain power - "we have to protect ourselves".

When there are 3 or more "cooperating cult leaders" - the end result has always been war - check any real history.

Any "cult leader" that hates one or more particular group or says we have to protect ourselves by killing is working to corrupt and kill mankind.

Individuals, countries and all of mankind will suffer huge losses again by not learning from history.

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