Friday, June 14, 2024

The education establishment doesn’t want competition.


What I learned:

On math tests, Success Academy kids outperform every school in New York state.

LaMae de Jongh is Success Academy’s Chief Schooling Officer. Our black and Hispanic students outperformed their peers by double, triple percent in their math. By peers, you include the rich kids in the suburbs? Yes.

The chain wants to offer its magic to more kids, but they aren’t allowed to. New York limits the number of charter schools. When progressive democrats are in charge, they shut some charters down. The highest performing school in the state. 

The education establishment doesn’t want competition. Education advocates say charter schools are not the answer. 

Unlike many public schools  Success offers dance and other activities. It’s not schoolwork all the time. Chess, debate, theater, music.  Those aren’t add-ons,  those are part of our day.  

As a taxpayer the funding per student comparison was shocking - success at 17 K the public system at 35 K  - talk about getting more for less !!!

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