Showing posts with label Florida Police arrest and handcuff a 6 year-old. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Florida Police arrest and handcuff a 6 year-old. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Florida Police arrest and handcuff a 6 year-old

Florida Police arrest and handcuff a 6 year-old

some comments;

Arresting a 6 year old? That's sheer insanity, absolutely wrong and utterly despicable. Every teacher, school official and police officer involved in this situation should be deeply ashamed.

Children put their trust in adults. The little girl appealed to the staff member "help me". She didn't. How can this young child ever place any trust in school staff or police? Or in fact any adult. The school cannot escape responsibility and merely blame the officer. The staff failed to intervene. They hold equal responsibility.

Florida is quickly becoming THE WORST STATE in our Union. How could they arrest young children??? What "crimes" did they commit, besides being hyperactive or not behaving right?

Unfortunately, most public school administrators do not understand how kids with developmental or behavioral issues can seem to overreact or lash out. Add in a lot of budgetary cuts for teachers and/or therapists, but increase the budgets for armed guards who are basically bouncers in a school setting.

Personally, I had to explain what autism was to a school secretary who tried to advise me that all my 3 year old son needed was a "good, swift kick in the pants" when he had a meltdown. Fortunately, she was overheard and is no longer there.

Unfortunately, there are way too many people who are in the education system that genuinely believe that all behavioral or developmental disorders are solely caused by permissive parenting. Oh how I wish that were true! The type of sleep apnea that this girl has affects her sleep cycles, which can affect her behavior. I know that I'm cranky if I don't get a good night's sleep, but I know how to articulate what I'm feeling. She didn't.


Florida is dangerous for 6 year olds with any cranky behavior patterns and I guess that goes for anyone over 70 that might be cranky or dealing with confusion, disorientation, dementia, old age...

Read the article about betty De vos cutting education budgets

What you have is completely untrained incompetents in schools - they just get rid of the kids that create problems and arresting and rushing them off to jail is easy.