Sunday, November 26, 2023

Fake USA Freeedom

LINK to VIDEO: Let's talk about the least free states....

Read the comments on this video - the video is based on the CATO data

Link to the CATO Freedom in the 50 States INFO

Freedom which is a "state of being" is a political "tool" used in the USA.

This list should be actually called the "lack of Freedom" list.

The number 50 state in the USA on the "Lack of freedom" list is Texas.

This is the description using google search:

Texas is a majority Republican state with Republicans controlling every statewide office. Texas Republicans have majorities in the State House and Senate, an entirely Republican Texas Supreme Court, control of both Senate seats in the US Congress.

The number 49 state in the USA on the "Lack of freedom" list is Idaho.

This is the description using google search:

Idaho is one of the most staunchly Republican states in the nation, and has not backed a Democrat for President since 1964, when Lyndon B. Johnson very narrowly carried the state amidst a national landslide.

The number 48 state in the USA on the "Lack of freedom" list is Wyoming.

This is the description using google search:

The Republican Party holds a supermajority in the current legislature, which began meeting in 2023; 57 of the 62 seats in the House and 29 of the 31 seats in the Senate are held by Republicans.


To any casual outside observer it appears that the Republican state politicians are voting in some of the "Sharia TYPE Laws" of the Muslim controlled countries.

 A predominantly conservative approach was found whereby 18 of 47 countries do not allow abortion under any circumstances besides saving the life of the pregnant woman.


To the astute observers who actually read the legislation - they are claiming that rights and freedoms are actually being eliminated.

This from CNN:  More fundamentally, these red state moves are remaking the American civil liberties landscape at breathtaking speed – and with little national attention to their cumulative effect. Taken together, these moves amount to a stark reversal of what many legal scholars call the “rights revolution” beginning in the 1960s, in which Congress and especially the Supreme Court expanded the number of rights available to all Americans nationwide and struck down state laws that constricted those rights on issues from racial segregation to abortion and same-sex marriage. In many ways, the red states are attempting to tilt the nation back toward a pre-1960s model, when the basic civil rights and civil liberties available to Americans diverged far more depending on where they lived.


History example is the Nazi's - they stacked the courts, changed the laws, eliminated rights and freedoms, banned books, created chaos and crisis, used hate and violence against minorities, murdered millions.

The "GOP Extremists", "Freedom Caucus" "Maga Collective" "Liberty Mothers" etc - are doing many of the same things in the USA today.

Someone has to create an accurate name for these R.I.N.O's who are acting as "Sharia Nazi's" or "Maga Jihadists". 

Someone has to educate the citizens of the USA because - n
ormal people use the criteria:"do not believe what politicians say - believe what they actually do"

Just to be clear many Sharia laws are excellent:

What are the 5 Sharia rules?

The five major goals of the Sharia are the protection of sound religious practice, life, sanity, the family, and personal and communal wealth. The acknowledgement of sound local customs throughout the world is one of the five basic maxims of the Sharia according to all Islamic schools of law.

What are the 10 rules of Islam?
Islamic Etiquette
Don't lie (22:30)
Don't spy (49:12)
Don't exult (28:76)
Don't insult (49:11)
Don't waste (17:26)
Feed the poor (22:36)
Don't backbite (49:12)
Keep your oaths (5:89)

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