Friday, September 8, 2023

Researching is Putin Sick Demonized Crazy or Stupid

Researching: is Putin Sick, Demonized, Crazy or Stupid 

Our first look is at the video posts of Vlad Vexler

My mission is to guide you through the political challenges we all face in the 21st century.

I’m a philosopher. My academic life focuses on the concept of freedom and I'm writing a book about Isaiah Berlin. I'm a British citizen living in London. I was born in Soviet Russia - I left before the collapse of the USSR. I continue to closely analyse Russian politics.

Links to some videos:

Why Russians CHOOSE to Deny Reality - Vlad understands & explains collective denial

How Putin Fooled the Western Left - Vlad explains effects of propaganda

The Postmodern Hell Of Russian Propaganda - mis-information and distortion explained

Propaganda Bubbles Resist Truth and Love - more on propaganda bubbles

The REAL Reason Putin's Gone Fascist - lots of analysis to think about

We know that most political strongmen use terrorism internally against "enemies of the state" to acquire initial power - when "strongmen" incompetence starts protests and calls for a replacement then these strongmen use "we are the victim and we are at risk propaganda" as an excuse to acquire additional internal power and then expand the empire using war.

Lots of 20th century examples available to study.

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