Monday, July 10, 2023

Political Masters Stop GOP Donations over Big Lie Losses

 MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the how the Republican Party in Arizona and Michigan has run out of money and gone completely bankrupt. Divisions within the GOP in these states have grown so severe that there many physical altercations taking place now among members.

additional details in reuters article

Quotes from article:

Ron Weise former chair of the party, says he doesn't agree with Republicans who promote falsehoods about election results and insists it's "ludicrous" to claim Donald Trump, who lost Michigan by 154,000 votes in 2020, carried the state.

Arizona's Republican Party had less than $50,000 in cash reserves in its state and federal bank accounts as of March 31 to spend on overheads such as rent, payroll and political campaign operations, the filings show. At the same point four years ago, it had nearly $770,000.

The Arizona party spent more than $300,000 on "legal consulting" fees last year, according to its federal filings, which do not specify the type of legal work paid for.

More than $500,000 was also spent in Arizona on an election night party and a bus tour for statewide Trump-backed candidates last year.

Additional reports of GOP funds mismanagement

Senator Rick Scott wanted to go big

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