Friday, September 27, 2024

Political Hypocrites and Economic Failures

Canada immigration seems to be able to integrate 250,000 vetted individuals each year. 

Come in and work - pay your bills and join the working , middle and professional class in Canada.

If properly operated over 10 years Canada enjoys growth and stability for 10 years.

Instead of having 2.5 million properly integrated individuals over 10 years - a "political decision" pushed 500,000 through and after only 3 years the system is overwhelmed forcing "program shut downs and severely restricted quotas".

Bringing in 500,000 overwhelmed the vetting process, overwhelms the settlement agencies, creates rent inflation and homelessness, overwhelms the free medical and hospital services and even overwhelms the food banks.

Criminals who slip through the rushed vetting: steal cars, plan terrorist activities, rob seniors, squat and destroy property, overwhelm the legal aid and court system and falsely claim to be legitimate students.

For the first time ever many new Canada arrivals of the 1,500,000 who were not properly vetted and integrated have suffered and are leaving, many are publishing their disgust and anger.

Canada will enjoy a bad social media name for the next 10 years.

Political Hypocrites Exposing Themselves (Again)

We see many USA political candidate statements using immigration to fuel division and hate as they ramp up for their November 2024 elections.

In Canada we have the same type of "monkey see monkey do" idiot politicians who think using immigration problems is a good political tool to get elected.

When you tell international students this is your 5 year immigration program please invest $50,000 each year  for the next 2 or 3 or 4 years. Then when your bad immigration plan fails and you do not grandfather these students after investing and deny them the path to immigration - this is fraud.

You can claim we "changed the program" we "moved the goalposts" but this does not change the basic fact that the Government of Canada defrauded these students.

The legitimate students who were told this program is changing reacted and said OK we left our home country and invested everything here in Canada now are denied our immigration path - technically we are now refugees - we claim asylum.

The legitimate students are the victims - do not blame the victims. 

Do not state that the legitimate students are abusing the system and do not say they are frauds.

The "liberals" made a "political decision" that created part of the problem.

The 95% of "conservative voters" that control and own the vast majority of housing in Canada perferred to build million dollar condos and mansions rather than affordable housing because it was more profitable and also created part of the problem.

Both sides have hypocrites trying to redirect blame for problems they created.

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