Monday, October 14, 2024

Language of Lies

 Language of Lies

Why Politicians Divide Us: George Carlin Exposes the Harsh Truth

George Carlin: Exposing the Absurdity of Political Jargon

George Carlin on How Politicians Twist Words to Avoid Accountability

The Insincerity of Politicians: Military Love and Lies

Doublespeak Examples:

Profile summary

"billionaire" currently 950,000,000 in debt with 315 million in losses

“successful”  bankrupted 6 casinos and lost over $1B in 10 years

“businessman” played one on TV thanks to retakes and edits

“transparent”  hides his tax returns

“genius”  hides his college grades

"test passer" when sister writes it for him

"author" when someone writes it for him

"great memory" except when testifying under oath

“family man”  pays for sex while married

"playboy" parties with Maxwell and Epstein until ...

“christian”  doesn’t go to church, unless you count gas attack for photo op

“philanthropist” created fraud charity for personal use

“patriot” who repeatedly dodged the draft

"commander in chief" calls dead veterans losers, suckers and attacks their widows

“innocent man”  uses NDA's to block, claims presidential immunity

"really innocent" the 400 uses of 5th amendment in one hearing alone

"totally innocent" the 37+ felony indictments are just political actions

"law and order candidate”  an unindicted co-conspirator with temporary immunity

"conspiracy theorist" believes all conspiracy theories that he started

“chosen one” by satan

Expressions Translation:

“Deep State”  system of legal or constitutional checks and balances

"Many people have told me"  voices in his head and imaginary people 

"A lot of people don't know"  he just learned something most people already knew

"Believe me"  he just lied

"In Fact"  he is about to lie

"He's a great guy"  will deny ever knowing this person after they begin to tell the truth about him 

"MAGA"  Make American Graves Accumulate 

"Nobody knew" everyone knew except him

"Huge"  moderate to below average in size

"Loser"  someone who makes him feel inferior due to their talent or accomplishments

"idiots" someone with talent and accomplishments who publicly proves his failures

"Policy Briefing"  turning on Fox News

"Liar"  someone telling the truth about him

"Friends"  his administration appointments have the most criminal convictions

"Fake News" real news of his failures

"Terrible Question" the truth makes him look bad.

"Qanon" conspiracy that blames Democrats for Republican actions - see "playboy" and 2700 missing immigrant kids and "conspiracy theorist" 

What I learned:

I have lived long enough to have seen the same lies get updated and repeated again and again.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

100 Minutes about Glucose with Jessie Inchauspé

 From the video series Diary of a CEO:

Jessie Inchauspé is a world-leading biochemist and founder of the Glucose Goddess movement. She is also the bestselling author of books such as, ‘Glucose Revolution: The life-changing power of balancing your blood sugar’ and ‘The Glucose Goddess Method’.

00:00 Intro 02:29 Why Is Glucose So Important for Your Health? 05:01 What Glucose Spikes Reveal About Your Body's Health 06:23 How Sugar Impacts Your Cells 10:10 How Glucose Spikes Accelerate Aging and What You Can Do About It 12:14 The Link Between Muscle Mass & Sugar Usage 14:12 These 'Healthy' Foods Are Causing Massive Glucose Spikes! 16:36 Surprising Non-Sweet Foods That Cause Glucose Spikes 18:25 Is There Such a Thing as 'Good' Sugar? 19:33 The Best and Worst Sweeteners for Your Health 22:41 How Sugar Accelerates Aging 25:11 The Link Between Glucose, Hormones, and Fertility 28:11 Can PCOS Be Reversed Through Diet? 29:31 Why You Should Always Start Your Day with a Savory Breakfast 31:57 Why We Crave Sugar 34:58 Is Intermittent Fasting Really Good for You? 36:59 The Truth About Calorie Restriction 40:55 The Food You're Giving Your Children Might Be Hurting Them 43:16 Study Reveals How Sugar Makes You More Irritable 47:24 Hack 2: One Tablespoon of Vinegar a Day 48:37 Hack 3: Vegetables First 49:59 Hack 4: Exercising After Eating 51:55 I Tried 4 Glucose Hacks for 4 Weeks 01:02:01 How to Use Vinegar to Manage Glucose: A Step-by-Step Guide 01:03:56 The Link Between Visceral Fat and Glucose Spikes 01:05:55 The Scary Link Between Sugar and Alzheimer’s Disease 01:09:42 Are We Creating Medicine to Fix Unhealthy Food Habits? 01:15:00 The Hidden Agenda: Why Food Companies Add More Sugar to Their Products 01:19:13 The Link Between Glucose Spikes and Menopause 01:27:28 How Menopause Affects Glucose Spikes and What You Can Do 01:29:18 Does Coffee Cause Glucose Spikes? 01:35:19 The Last Guest Question

What I learned : I will use the 4 basic hacks for balancing/controlling glucose levels

Friday, September 27, 2024

Political Hypocrites and Economic Failures

Canada immigration seems to be able to integrate 250,000 vetted individuals each year. 

Come in and work - pay your bills and join the working , middle and professional class in Canada.

If properly operated over 10 years Canada enjoys growth and stability for 10 years.

Instead of having 2.5 million properly integrated individuals over 10 years - a "political decision" pushed 500,000 through and after only 3 years the system is overwhelmed forcing "program shut downs and severely restricted quotas".

Bringing in 500,000 overwhelmed the vetting process, overwhelms the settlement agencies, creates rent inflation and homelessness, overwhelms the free medical and hospital services and even overwhelms the food banks.

Criminals who slip through the rushed vetting: steal cars, plan terrorist activities, rob seniors, squat and destroy property, overwhelm the legal aid and court system and falsely claim to be legitimate students.

For the first time ever many new Canada arrivals of the 1,500,000 who were not properly vetted and integrated have suffered and are leaving, many are publishing their disgust and anger.

Canada will enjoy a bad social media name for the next 10 years.

Political Hypocrites Exposing Themselves (Again)

We see many USA political candidate statements using immigration to fuel division and hate as they ramp up for their November 2024 elections.

In Canada we have the same type of "monkey see monkey do" idiot politicians who think using immigration problems is a good political tool to get elected.

When you tell international students this is your 5 year immigration program please invest $50,000 each year  for the next 2 or 3 or 4 years. Then when your bad immigration plan fails and you do not grandfather these students after investing and deny them the path to immigration - this is fraud.

You can claim we "changed the program" we "moved the goalposts" but this does not change the basic fact that the Government of Canada defrauded these students.

The legitimate students who were told this program is changing reacted and said OK we left our home country and invested everything here in Canada now are denied our immigration path - technically we are now refugees - we claim asylum.

The legitimate students are the victims - do not blame the victims. 

Do not state that the legitimate students are abusing the system and do not say they are frauds.

The "liberals" made a "political decision" that created part of the problem.

The 95% of "conservative voters" that control and own the vast majority of housing in Canada perferred to build million dollar condos and mansions rather than affordable housing because it was more profitable and also created part of the problem.

Both sides have hypocrites trying to redirect blame for problems they created.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Fasting helps the Body to Repair and Recycle


Video: "A One-Day Starvation Secret Got the Nobel Prize" by: Bright Side

Dr. Yoshinori Ohsumi, a Japanese cell biologist, spent years studying how human cells get rid of their waste.
TIMESTAMPS: What autophagy is 1:07 What biochemist Dr. Christian de Duve discovered in the 1960s 1:41 Do you need to eat animal protein to build new cells? 2:33 Whan autophagy gets more intensive 4:16 The health benefits of intermittent fasting 5:16 A 24-hour fast 5:58 Fasting on alternate days 6:17 Skipping meals 6:55 Daily-window fasting 7:17 Water fasting 7:52 Why it’s good for you to have animal-protein-free days from time to time 8:09

What I learned:

The body recycles if you set the conditions and allow natural functions to occur.

Additional Videos by Bright Side